A warm Dales welcome for the NTD Network UK HUB meeting

On a quiet day before the start of the UK University term, the UK-based members of the Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) left their desks in York and Durham Universities, for the wilds of North Yorkshire. The cosy hospitality of the locally renowned Charles Bathurst Inn (Arkengarthdale) was a warm contrast to the wild weather that swept down the valley during our meeting! This event provided a perfectly timed opportunity to review the year and think ahead, sharing ideas and insights.

Presentations from NTD Network UK HUB members during our meeting at the Charles Bathurst Inn, Arkengarthdale.
Presentations included:
A report from the Project Officer on the Network’s four training workshops for early-career NTDs researchers
Updates from the UK membership
More detailed presentations from the NTD Network Fellows, with opportunities for in-depth questions
Arkengarthdale comprises the valley of the Arkle Beck and is the northernmost of the Yorkshire Dales. It is also a near-perfect half-way point between Durham and York. It seems amusing that for the huge distances we cover to get together across this Network, a gathering between two of the closest partner institutions took us all somewhere new to all participants!

The Charles Bathurst Inn (top) is situated in Arkengarthdale, near Swaledale, at the northernmost edge of the Yorkshire Moors, with stunning views in both directions up and down the valley.
The science feedback and discussions continued into the early evening with a conversation around planning for the future. This conversation continued through our evening meal, after which the Dales weather was once again calm and still – so a few of us took an evening stroll together, walking by moonlight beneath a bright starry sky.
Mags Leighton