
FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP: Metabolism and mathematical models; “Two for a tango”


18-19 November, 2021, 14:00-17:30 CET


Members of the international parasitology community are warmly invited to REGISTER NOW for this FREE workshop, covering general metabolism with a special focus on parasitology.
This workshop is organised by the NTD Network’s South American HUB lead, Ariel M. Silber, Department of Parasitology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil, and Marie-France Sagot, (Inria, CNRS and University of Lyon 1 UMR 5558, France).
The international team of speakers will cover biological, biochemical, and biomedical aspects of metabolism, along with mathematical modelling, algorithmic theory and software development.
The meeting runs 14:00-17:30 CET (European time) to allow live participation across time zones.
The programme showcases findings from two of the Inria European Team (Erable)’s international collaborations, respectively Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME) at University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil with the Institute of Biomedical Sciences – Inria Associated Team Capoeira, and Inesc-ID/IST in Portugal, together with ETH in Zürich and EMBL in Heidelberg (H2020 Twinning Project Olissipo). Collaborators are supported via INRIA, FAPESP, LIS-SIPO, The European Union, University of Lyon, UNRosario, and the GCRF NTD Network.
Please register now for this free workshop!