Our NTD Network online seminar series is entering its second year! Huge thanks to you all who have supported us by attending, and who gave us such encouragement to continue with your positive feedback about these talks after the 2020 series. And please keep showing up – it is great to see all your faces!! Our programme for 2021 is below. These meetings are for our Network members and their teams, providing a safe forum to share and discuss data across our projects – watch your inbox for our regular email alerts and zoom links!
Preparations are in full swing for our first ever early career researchers (ECR) online conference! This event provides opportunities for our ECRs to present their work at a closed meeting and is available for all involved with the NTD Network research programme or a related project. The conference will comprise talks and poster presentations from teams across all HUBs of the Network, held over two days, and spanning 9 time zones!! ***NB this is a closed meeting for NTD Network members only*** Join us to present updates on your work and connect with colleagues from around the world, via talks and poster sessions!