Sharing our expertise: The COMSTECH-NTD Network online joint virtual training programme

The COMSTECH and the NTD NETWORK have joined forces to produce a virtual lecture programme, launched June 2021, and covering the skills needed for research into Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). These live webinars are aimed at academics, professional scientists and interested members of the general public. See this page for a list of all our talks, and links to YouTube recordings.
Our blog pages (see link below each title) provide further details on each talk and our speakers, again with a link to the webinar recording.
If you are a specialist in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and would like to enhance their knowledge, skills, and academic connections, please register with us for updates. Participants from Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states are particularly encouraged to register to attend the live events.
- Read more about the launch of this collaborative training programme here.
COMSTECH-NTD Network joint webinars series
Webinar 5 (broadcast 22nd December, 2021)
The role of amino acids in the bioenergetics of Trypanosoma cruzi
Professor Ariel Silber
- See our blog page on this talk: FIFTH COMSTECH-NTD Network webinar: Ariel Silber
- COMSTECH website page for this talk:
- Watch this webinar on YouTube:
Ariel’s adventures into the metabolism of trypanosomes (Tryps) has taken his career in a number of unexpected directions – read about this in our interview, here.
Webinar 4 (broadcast 27th October, 2021)
“Understanding the Immunology of Kala-Azar for Innovations in its Elimination and Control”
- See our blog page on this talk: Fourth COMSTECH-NTD Network Webinar: Nahid Ali
- COMSTECH website page for this event:
- Watch this webinar on YouTube:

Prof. Dr. Nahid Ali: Fellow the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), J.C. Bose National Fellow, Pioneers of a liposomal delivery system used for vaccines and therapies
Webinar 3 (broadcast 27th September, 2021)
Identifying and validating new drug targets for Neglected Tropical Diseases
Professor Patrick Steel
- See our blog page on this talk: THIRD COMSTECH-NTD Network Webinar: Patrick Steel
- COMSTECH website link for this event:
- View the recording of this webinar on YouTube:
Webinar 2 (broadcast 6th August, 2021)
Protozoan ‘Drug’ Discovery: Old Drugs, New Targets and Mining for Novelty
Professor Paul Denny
- See our blog page on this talk:
- COMSTECH website link for this event:
- Watch a recording of this webinar on YouTube:

Professor Paul Denny: Professor of Parasitology, Centre for Global Infectious Diseases, Department of Biological Sciences, Durham University, United Kingdom
Webinar 1 (broadcast 25 June, 2021)
CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing of Leishmania and Drug Target Validation
Professor Jeremy Mottram
COMSTECH website link for this event:
View this webinar on YouTube:

Professor Jeremy Mottram: Professor of Pathogen Biology, York Biomedical Research Institute, University of York, UK