Professor of Chemical Biology
Development of new peptide- and peptoid-based therapeutics for the treatment of infectious diseases
Chemistry Department, Durham University
Durham, United Kingdom
Steven obtained his Masters in Chemistry at the University of St. Andrews. He then received his PhD in Bioorganic Fluorine Chemistry at the University of St. Andrews, where he worked with Professor David O’Hagan on the biosynthesis of novel fluorinated natural products. After his PhD he carried out postdoctoral studies on the development of new peptide based antibiotics with Professor John C. Vederas FRS at the University of Alberta, Canada. He returned to the UK (Durham University) in 2008 as a Ramsay Memorial Fellow and he is currently an Associate Professor of Chemical-Biology and Director of the Centre for Global Infectious Diseases in the Chemistry Department. His research interests are focused on the development of new peptide- and peptoid-based therapeutics for the treatment of infectious diseases and in the design of chemical tools to aid in the validation of new drugs targets.